
    Queensmill school newsletter is a chance for classes to celebrate the work and achievements of their students.

    Teachers, therapists and management across the whole of Queensmill including the main site, units and our adult provision (Q6) are asked to contribute termly. It is made up mostly of photos of our children and young people to really give an insight into Queensmill life and to see how we work, what topics are covered and the progress made. Useful information is also included such as fundraising ideas, parent coffee mornings and workshops, uniform information and important dates. The newsletter is sent home with all Queensmill students as well as uploaded to the app and website. Not only is it a joy for parents and staff to see their success but recognising themselves and peers in the photos gives the students a huge sense of pride.

    Please click on the links below to view our historical Newsletters

    Queensmill Newsletter February 2021

    Queensmill Newsletter November 2018

    Queensmill Newsletter January 2018

    Queensmill Newsletter July 2017

    Queensmill Newsletter March 2017

    Queensmill Newsletter November 2016Queensmill newsletter July 2016

    Queensmill Newsletter April 2016

    Queensmill Newsletter April 2015