Curriculum Home Learning


    National Curriculum Based Online Resources 

    We would like to suggest some of the following online resources which are available to parents and carers and follow the National Curriculum subject plan. A great deal of these resources are free of charge but may require a sign up to subscribe. 

    National Curriculum Based Online Resources


    We would also suggest the following websites and apps which Parents/Carers can take advantage of to support Home Learning during this period.  Many of these resources are free of charge but may require a sign up to subscribe. 

    BBC Bitesize has a bank of resources spanning across all curriculum areas which can be accessed at any tme via the weblink below.

    BBC Bitesize Homepage


    Maths Linked Activities 

    Top Marks Maths Activities

    Prodigy Maths

    Cbeebies - Numberblocks

    White Rose Maths (have developed a 12-week learning plan with BBC Bitesize)

    Natwest- Learning about Money (SEND specific resources)

    The Maths Mum


    Social and Physical Activities

    Kids Cosmic Yoga

    Counting Exercise Song

    Sensory Mindfulness App

    Movement and Mindfulness

    Smiling Mind: short audio sessions to support mindfulness